CISC3000 Introduction to Database Systems

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Course Description 課程描述[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

UM Department of Computer and Information Science: The course provides an overview of database management, database system architecture, and an in-depth study of relational database systems, including both the theoretical aspects of the relational model as related to relational data objects, relational data integrity, and relational data manipulation (using the relational algebra and relational calculus); and the practical aspects of relational implementations, using the SQL language and views. The course also includes a study of a commercially available database system and database application programming.

该课程概述了数据库管理,数据库系统体系结构以及对关系数据库系统的深入研究,包括与关系数据对象相关的关系模型的理论方面,关系数据完整性和关系数据操作(使用关系数据操作(使用) 关系代数和关系演算); 以及使用SQL语言和视图的关系实现的实际方面。 该课程还包括对市售数据库系统和数据库应用程序编程的研究。

重點內容[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Relational Algebra,關係代數
  • SQL Language
  • Normalization: BCNF, 3NF