CIS 計算機

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簡介[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

澳大計算機學系(Department of Computer and Information Science) 成立於1990年,目前擁有超過30位教職員工,大約有240名本科生和380名研究生。該系所提供七個本科和研究生課程,包括計算機科學學士(BSc)、人工智能碩士(MSc)、計算機科學碩士(MSc)、數據科學碩士(專業方向:人工智能應用)、電子商務技術碩士(MSc)、金融科技碩士(MSc)以及計算機科學博士(PhD)。該系所的計算機科學學士課程已獲得香港工程師學會(HKIE)的認證,並在首爾協議下獲得認可。



Times Higher Education(THE) 学科排名(Subject: Computer Science) 排名151-175。

憂選課程[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

課程編號 課程名稱 授課教授
CISC1004 Introduction to Computer Science Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior
CISC1001 Programming Science Qiwen Xu
CISC2005 Principles of Operating Systems Huanle Xu

4-Year Study Plan For Undergraduate 本科生四年進修計劃[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

CIS19[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


CM Course 專業必修課程[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

CM Course,即Compulsory Major Course,即專業范圍內的必修課程。

Year I 課程代碼 課程標題 學分 學長提點
CISC1001 Programming Science 3
CISC1004 Introduction to Computer Science 3
CISC1006 Probability and Statistics 3
MATH1003 Intermediate Calculus 3
Year II CISC1002 Discrete Structures 3
CISC2001 Computer Organization 3
CISC2002 Numerical Methods and Computation 3
CISC2003 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 3
CISC2005 Principles of Operating Systems 3
CISC2006 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3
MATH1001 Linear Algebra I 3
Year III CISC3000 Introduction to Database Systems 3 點此
CISC3001 Computer Networks 3
CISC3026 Software Engineering Principles 3
CISC3002 Mobile Application Programming** 3
CISC3003 Web Programming**
Year IV CISC4000 Graduation Project 6
CISC4001 Professionalism and Ethics in Computer Science 3
STGC3000 Work-Integrated Education 3
Total CM Credits: 57

*免修語言課程的同學需要通過進修Free Electives(FE)來彌補學分。

**CISC3002 Mobile Application Programming 與 CISC3003 Web Programming二選一即可,不必均選。

CS Required Elective Course CS選修課程[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Students are required to take 4 courses from one of the Stream A, B or C, and 3 courses from outside that Stream or from Other Electives in the CS Required Elective Course list.


課程代碼 課程標題 筆記頁面 學分 開設學期
Stream A: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
CISC3005 Advanced Database Systems 3
CISC3012 Artificial Intelligence 3
CISC3014 Information Retrieval and Web Search 3
CISC3018 Cloud Computing and Big Data Systems 3
CISC3023 Machine Learning 3
CISC3024 Pattern Recognition 3
CISC3025 Natural Language Processing 3
Stream B: Multimedia Computing
CISC3009 Computer Graphics 3
CISC3011 Digital Image Processing 3
CISC3016 Multimedia Computing 3
CISC3021 Multimedia Forensics and Security 3
CISC3024 Pattern Recognition 3
CISC3029 Computer Vision 3
Stream C: Software Engineering
CISC2007 Human-Computer Interaction 3
CISC2008 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Patterns 3
CISC3010 Distributed Computer Systems 3
CISC3020 Formal Software Specification 3
CISC3022 Software Testing 3
CISC4002 Software Project Management 3
Other Electives:
CISC2004 Compiler Construction 3
CISC3006 Computer Based Simulation 3
CISC3007 Formal Languages and Automata 點此 3
CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization 3
CISC3017 Bioinformatics 3
CISC3019 Competition Programming and Problem Solving 3
CISC3027 Special Topics in Computer and Information Science 3
CISC4003 Information Security 3
CISC3028 Entrepreneurship in Computer Science 3

Professors 教授[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Academic Staff[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Name Title Email Tel Location
Cheng-Zhong XU, Ph.D. (須成忠) Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, IEEE Fellow Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4195 Location: E11-4043a
Jerome YEN, Ph.D. (顏至宏) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4858 Location: N1-1001
Xiaobo ZHOU, Ph.D. (周笑波) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4137 Location: E11-4007
Zhiguo GONG, Ph.D. (鞏志國) Head of Department of Computer and Information Science Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4962 Location: E11-4090
Chi Man PUN, Ph.D. (潘治文) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4369 Location: E11-4091
Jianbing SHEN, Ph.D. (沈建冰) Head of Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9150 Location: N21-5011D
Jiantao ZHOU, Ph.D. (周建濤) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4495 Location: E11-4089
Yicong ZHOU, Ph.D. (周怡聰) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8458 Location: E11-4012
Long CHEN, Ph.D. (陳龍) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8459 Location: E11-4014
Simon FONG James, Ph.D. (方正天) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4460 Location: E11-4023
Jingzhi GUO, Ph.D. (過競志) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4360 Location: E11-4017
Hui KONG, Ph.D. (孔慧) (Adjunct, Affiliation with EME) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4362 Location: N21-5011I
Yain Whar SI, Lawrence, Ph.D. (池英華) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4454 Location: E11-4022
Leong Hou U, Ryan, Ph.D. (余亮豪) Head of the Centre for Data Science of Institute of Collaborative Innovation Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4493 Location: E11-4021
Chi Man VONG, Matthew, Ph.D. (黃志文) Associate Head of Department of Computer and Information Science (CIS) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4357 Location: E11-4013
Fai WONG, Derek, Ph.D. (黃輝) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4478 Location: E11-4010
Yuan WU, Ph.D. (吳遠) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4395 Location: N21-5021-4
Dingqi YANG, Ph.D. (楊丁奇) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9971 Location: N21-5011f
Yibo Bob ZHANG, Ph.D. (張一博) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4425 Location: E11-4093
Shu KONG, Ph.D. (孔庶) Email: [email protected] Tel: 8822-9094 Location: E11-4025
Li LI, Ph.D. (栗力) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9076 Location: N21-5011F
Zhenning LI, Ph.D. (李振寧) (Adjunct, Affiliation with CEE) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9955 Location: N21-5002b
Pengyang WANG, Ph.D. (汪澎洋) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9194 Location: N21-5011H
Ye WANG, Ph.D. (王也) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-9101 Location: E11-4006
Huanle XU, Ph.D. (徐歡樂) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8471 Location: E11-4019
Qiwen XU, DPhil. (徐啟文) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4377 Location: E11-4024
Xiaowei WU, Ph.D. (吳曉偉) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8064 Location: N21-5011a
Liming ZHANG, Ph.D. (張立明) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8467 Location: E11-4016
Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior, M.Ba., M.Sc Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4378 Location: E11-4088
Teng LAM, M.Sc. (林定) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4580 Location: E11-4086
Shu Ming TAM, Ph.D. (譚樹明) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4448 Location: E3-G042
Kam Hou VAT, Ph.D. (屈鑑濠) Former Associate Master, Shiu Pong College (SPC) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4476, (853) 66501747 Location: E11-4087
Yuan Yan TANG, Ph.D. (唐遠炎) IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8473 Location: E11-4094
Enhua WU, Ph.D. (吳恩華) Fellow CCF(China Computer Federation) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-4953 Location: E11-4009
Hou Pong CHAN, Ken, Ph.D. (陳浩邦) Email: [email protected] Tel: (853) 8822-8755 Location: E11-4008

Mysteries 奇聞軼事[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]